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Project Overview


User Research Summary

The primary user group identified are new grades who want to find job after graduation. Research proved that many student are struggle with finding jobs because lack of finding job platform that filter new grads with no experience.

The Problem

New grads have difficulty finding job after graduated, due to difficult platform of finding jobs.

The Goal

Design a multi-platform job search service for new grads to help them find job with easy steps.


With the Job Search website and app, you can search millions of jobs online to find the next step in your career. Our Job Search app is dedicated to helping people who were formerly incarcerated find the right jobs for them.

My Role

UX/UI designer designing an job search responsive web & app from conception to delivery.

Project Duration

December 2022 -
January 2023


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User Persona

Problem Statement

New grads needs to find jobs that meets his skills because he want to gain work experience and earn money.

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User Journey Maps

User Stories

New grads student want to search for skills-relevant job, so that will help save time navigating through all listings.

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Digital Wireframes

Having the paper wireframes as reference made the transition to digital straightforward and easy. During the preliminary design phase, my goal was to ensure that any adjustments to the design were based on user research and feedback.

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Low-Fidelity Prototype

This is the low-fidelity prototype create a user flow for finding jobs and applying for jobs.

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Usability study: findings

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Final Design

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High-Fidelity Prototype

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Accessibility Considerations


Responsive Designs

Since users need to access the job search website from different devices, browsing considerations were made to optimize the experience.




Next Steps



If you'd like to see more or get in touch, my contact information is provided below.

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